Books that changed my view on art

Hello there!

Blog post time and this time is all about books.

I thought it would be a good idea to make a small (i hope) list about books that changed my view and approach to art. There are so many books about art and so much information that a list is always helpful.

So let’s start:

This is a big one for me.

It literally unlocked that little voice inside of me that said “you don’t have to do what others do to feel good about your work. It’s you, not them.”

And that changed everything. It made me focus more on B&W and actually try to follow my on artistic path wherever that takes me. It made me be okay with experimenting even if i fail.

Because that is what is all about, follow your own journey.

There is an older version but i feel like this new one add much needed content.

This is a more general one (orientated to arts in general) one but the subject remains the same as the previous one. Very well written and a good addition to your art library.

If you can only get one and you have several art fields you focus on you should get this one. And it is a must if you are an aspiring artist that is having find his/her voice in a world where art is so saturated with the same concepts and visual identities.

Get this and be inspired!

Oh dear… This one… Dam.

I love to write and i rarely show it (that is about to change) and this book is like a bible to me. Stephen King is my favorite writer hands down but that is not why this book is important to me on an artistic level. It is an important book because it tells the story of a struggling artist and show how loving your craft and your art and never giving up will make you succeed.

Talent is very important but hard work is what makes you a successful artist. That is why this is an important book.

And if you like to write you should have ordered this book before i finish this text. It’s that good.

Light is everything in photography. And even if you create “fake” light you have to understand how light works on a phisical level. This bok is vital for photography but also for other visual mediums. Light is what creates the mood and makes it feel real.

An absolute buy.

I feel like the journey of self discovery as an artist is kind of the theme of this post but that is not the goal. It is just because most of the books that changed my artistic life are about that. About me discovering my path. And this book is like a bible of path finding in art. I lost the count of the times i read this book and every time i get why you have to stay true to your journey.

Get it and you won’t regret it. It might change your life.

There are other (too many) books that changed my view and my approach to art but i wanted to make a small list and only these could make it.

If you click on the book covers it will take you to where you can buy them and i make zero profit from it just so you know.

Go get at least one.

Trust me.

Stay strong.


André Varela